13 Benefits of being Calm on your Well-being.

What is Calm?

Calm is a state that you achieve.  

This can mean different things to different people.  This can also be different based on the context.

A state refers to the condition or situation of something at a particular point in time.  It can describe the physical, emotional, or mental condition of an individual or a system. 

In the context of mindfulness and mindset, a "resourceful state" would mean being in a positive and effective mental or emotional condition to achieve your desired goals.

When in a state of calm, you can experience a range of positive effects that contribute to your overall well-being. 

Here are some common things you may experience when in a state of calm:

1.Inner Peace

Calmness is often associated with a profound sense of inner peace.  You may feel a quiet and serene tranquility within, creating a mental space free from turmoil and stress.

2. Clarity of Thought

A calm mind allows for clearer and more focused thinking.  People in a state of calm often find it easier to make decisions, solve problems, and prioritize tasks without the interference of chaotic thoughts.

3. Emotional Stability

Calmness fosters emotional stability, helping you to regulate your emotions more effectively. This can lead to a greater ability to handle challenges, setbacks, and interpersonal situations with composure.

4. Improved Concentration 

The absence of mental clutter in a calm state allows for improved concentration and heightened attention.  You may find it easier to stay focused on tasks and engage in deep, undistracted work.

5. Reduced Stress Levels

One of the most noticeable effects of calmness is a significant reduction in stress levels.  Calm states trigger the release of hormones that counteract stress, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.

6. Physical Relaxation

Calmness often extends to the body, leading to physical relaxation.  Tension in muscles tends to decrease, and the body experiences a state of ease, promoting better overall physical health.

7. Enhanced Creativity

A calm mind is more conducive to creative thinking.  While in a state of tranquility, you may find that your imagination flows more freely, leading to innovative ideas and problem-solving.

8. Improved Sleep Quality

Calmness before bedtime contributes to better sleep quality.  A relaxed mind and body are more conducive to a restful night's sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

9. Increased Mindfulness

Calmness often brings a heightened sense of mindfulness – an increased awareness of the present moment.  This can lead to a more profound connection with your surroundings and a greater appreciation for the simple pleasures of life.

10. Greater Resilience

Being in a state of calm supports you to have greater resilience in the face of challenges. Allowing you to approach difficulties with a level-headed attitude, adapting more effectively to changing circumstances.

11. Positive Interactions

Calmness positively influences interpersonal interactions.  When you’re in a state of calm, you are more likely to communicate thoughtfully, listen attentively, and navigate social situations with grace.

12. Sense of Timelessness

In moments of calm, you may experience a sense of timelessness, where the usual pressures of time and deadlines seem to fade away.  This can contribute to a feeling of spaciousness and contentment.

13. Connection with Nature

Calmness often fosters a deeper connection with nature.  Whether it's a quiet moment in a natural setting or simply appreciating the beauty of the outdoors, when in a state of calm you can feel a sense of harmony with the natural world.

These experiences collectively contribute to a positive and harmonious state of being, highlighting the importance of cultivating calmness for overall mental and emotional well-being.

My Mindfulness Consultations support you to amplify your practice by using Anchors which help you to tap into your most Resourceful States regardless of where you are, who’s around, or how established you are in your practice.

Mindfulness Consultation

60 Min 1:1 Session

Amplify Your Mindfulness Practice

Your Session blends together a personalized Meditation & Mental Rehearsal Process to support you to tap into your desired state and anchor it in, so that it's easily accessible for you within minutes.

Mindfulness Essentials Kit

Stress Relief and Focus Booster for Busy Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Simple practices you can easily integrate into your daily routine to Unlock Focus, Clarity, and Resilience in your day.

Hey, I'm Jasmine Renee, Mindfulness & Mindset Consultant. 

I help Entrepreneurs and Professionals to maximize performance and well-being, achieve your goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Through a unique blend of Mindfulness Practices and Mindset Coaching Techniques,  I support you to:

  • Overcome limiting beliefs

  • Let go of negative thought patterns

  • Eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Transform negative emotions into positive action

With personalized coaching, I help you to bridge the gap between your current and desired states, avoid burnout, and enjoy the path towards your goals.

I’m passionate & obsessed with helping you to find your inner peace and transform your life through various powerful techniques.

Let’s Connect


The Real Benefits of Mindfulness Beyond Common Misconceptions