Choose Your Vibe

60 Min 1:1 Session

Elevate Your Mindset, Emotions, and Actions

Your Session blends together Personalized Coaching, Meditation and Mental Rehearsal (amplified visualization technique) to support you to tap into your wanted state and embody it in less time & with more ease.

This process supports you to set the tone for your day, your week, and/ or your event.

How do you want to feel, be, & show up?

How do you want to feel?

  • Calm

  • Peaceful

  • Motivated

  • Inspired

  • Passionate

How do you want to be?

  • Confident

  • Focused

  • Bold

  • Intentional

  • Powerful

During your Session:

  1. We start off with a simple breathing practice to support you to take a moment for yourself to center.

  2. Next, we have a brief discussion about your chosen vibe.

  3. Then, I take you through a simple process that supports you to step into your chosen state so that you can feel, be, &/or take your wanted actions with more ease.

How it works:

  • We will meet online via Google Meet.



Hey, I'm Jasmine Renee, Mindfulness & Mindset Consultant. 

I guide you through a process of self-discovery, using insightful questions to reveal misalignments & blind spots in your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Resolving this supports your overall experience in your day & towards achieving your goals.

Through a blend of Mindfulness Practices and Mindset Coaching Techniques,  I support you to:

  • Navigate through internal challenges, gaining clarity and focus

  • Uncover and address limiting beliefs that hinder growth

  • Reframe negative thought patterns into positive action

  • Reduce burnout and stress by maintaining your emotional & mental well-being

I provide customized coaching tailored to your unique needs, empowering you to close the gap between your current situation and your wanted outcomes. Together, we'll ensure that your path to achieving your goals is both fulfilling & aligned with your values.

Are you ready to overcome your internal barriers, laser-focus your efforts, and amplify your emotional resilience as you pursue & attain your goals?